On January 13, the California State Senate unanimously passed Senate Concurrent Resolution 6 (SCR-6), officially designating January 13 as “Korean American Day” in honor of the 122nd anniversary of Korean immigration to the United States.
During a Senate session held that afternoon, SCR-6 was the sole item on the agenda and received unanimous approval from all 32 senators present. The resolution was introduced by Senator Steven Choi (R-37th District), who emphasized the historical significance of Korean immigration and the substantial contributions Korean Americans have made to American society.
“In 1903, Koreans took their first steps in America in pursuit of better opportunities and the American Dream,” Senator Choi stated. “Despite facing racial discrimination, language barriers, and economic hardships, they persevered, laying the foundation for today’s vibrant Korean American community.” He further noted that the resolution not only acknowledges history but also honors the resilience, hard work, and unwavering commitment of Korean Americans to the United States.
Senator Choi highlighted Korean Americans’ impact in various fields, including the economy, science, education, politics, and the arts. He also stressed the significance of California as home to the largest Korean American population, making the resolution even more meaningful. “This designation reaffirms that Korean Americans, like all immigrant communities, deserve recognition and equal opportunities to thrive,” he added.
Several senators expressed their strong support for the resolution. Senator Scott Wiener (D-11th District) praised Korean Americans’ contributions to economic growth, particularly in the restaurant and food industry. Senator María Elena Durazo (D-26th District) acknowledged their influence in education, culture, and public service, while Senator Jesse Arreguín (D-7th District) detailed their vital role in community development.
Senator Shannon Grove (R-12th District) commended Korean Americans for their role in strengthening the U.S.-Korea alliance, particularly their contributions during the Vietnam War. Additional support came from Senators Jerry McNerney (D-5th District), Roger Niello (R-6th District), and Thomas Umberg (D-34th District), all of whom emphasized the importance of recognizing Korean Americans’ impact on the nation.
Following the resolution’s passage, Senator Choi invited representatives from the Korean American community, including Jonathan H. Kim, President of the Korean American Association of San Francisco Bay Area, and Jung-Taek Lim, Consul General of San Francisco, to the Senate chamber for a formal presentation. A celebratory reception was later held at the State Capitol, where Senator Choi reaffirmed his commitment to advocating for the Korean American community.
During the event, Korean American leaders expressed their gratitude to Senator Choi for his efforts in passing the resolution. In recognition of his contributions, the Korean American community presented him with a commemorative plaque honoring his dedication.
The full text of the resolution is available on the California State Legislature website at: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=202520260SCR6.
During a Senate session held that afternoon, SCR-6 was the sole item on the agenda and received unanimous approval from all 32 senators present. The resolution was introduced by Senator Steven Choi (R-37th District), who emphasized the historical significance of Korean immigration and the substantial contributions Korean Americans have made to American society.
“In 1903, Koreans took their first steps in America in pursuit of better opportunities and the American Dream,” Senator Choi stated. “Despite facing racial discrimination, language barriers, and economic hardships, they persevered, laying the foundation for today’s vibrant Korean American community.” He further noted that the resolution not only acknowledges history but also honors the resilience, hard work, and unwavering commitment of Korean Americans to the United States.
Senator Choi highlighted Korean Americans’ impact in various fields, including the economy, science, education, politics, and the arts. He also stressed the significance of California as home to the largest Korean American population, making the resolution even more meaningful. “This designation reaffirms that Korean Americans, like all immigrant communities, deserve recognition and equal opportunities to thrive,” he added.
Several senators expressed their strong support for the resolution. Senator Scott Wiener (D-11th District) praised Korean Americans’ contributions to economic growth, particularly in the restaurant and food industry. Senator María Elena Durazo (D-26th District) acknowledged their influence in education, culture, and public service, while Senator Jesse Arreguín (D-7th District) detailed their vital role in community development.
Senator Shannon Grove (R-12th District) commended Korean Americans for their role in strengthening the U.S.-Korea alliance, particularly their contributions during the Vietnam War. Additional support came from Senators Jerry McNerney (D-5th District), Roger Niello (R-6th District), and Thomas Umberg (D-34th District), all of whom emphasized the importance of recognizing Korean Americans’ impact on the nation.
Following the resolution’s passage, Senator Choi invited representatives from the Korean American community, including Jonathan H. Kim, President of the Korean American Association of San Francisco Bay Area, and Jung-Taek Lim, Consul General of San Francisco, to the Senate chamber for a formal presentation. A celebratory reception was later held at the State Capitol, where Senator Choi reaffirmed his commitment to advocating for the Korean American community.
During the event, Korean American leaders expressed their gratitude to Senator Choi for his efforts in passing the resolution. In recognition of his contributions, the Korean American community presented him with a commemorative plaque honoring his dedication.
The full text of the resolution is available on the California State Legislature website at: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=202520260SCR6.